Our Lady of the Rosary – Church Survey: The Knights of Columbus Council #13181 is working with the Our Lady of the Rosary Local Leadership Committee to identify and address specific church needs for the betterment of the church and community. We would like your thoughts on what you feel would be important to help make OLR better. Please take just a minute or two to complete this quick survey by clicking here.
We will be using the embedded blog for news updates. Scroll through the blog below, or go directly to the blog here: https://sabattuskofc.blogspot.com/
Here are some older news items:
The Knights of Columbus Council #13181 is proud to announce the awarding of a scholarship for 2020 to Grace Woodard. We wish her continued success in her studies! |

The Knights of Columbus Council #13181 helped pay for repairs to the brick stairs that had been degraded by salt and ice, and then we built new stair tread covers to protect them in the future. |

The Knights of Columbus Council #13181 would like to congratulate our 2019 scholarship recipients who received their scholarship checks after successfully completing their first semester of college. Pictured below with Grand Knight Robert Michaud are: Xavier Michaud, Casey Dion, and Catherine Daigle. Not pictured is Rachel Gilbert. |